about the blog

I post in order to think and share about learning and education. Ideally, the pieces will inspire thinking and sharing from others. The more discussion the better – I’m hoping for many exchanges about learning. What I really strive for is a learning coffeehouse that can amplify and accelerate educational transformation…

For so long, much of the conversation in education has been primarily about “teaching.” Let’s change the paradigm and make LEARNING the primary focus of our conversations.

6 thoughts on “about the blog

  1. Hi ,
    My name is Chenee . I am part of a team at Open Colleges and an avid reader of your blog.
    I remember reading a post you did and I thought that you might be interested in this infographic that we just developed about parental involvement. I believe it has some interesting points here about the effects on students’ performance when parents are actively participating with their children’s schoolwork.
    You can see the post here: http://www.opencolleges.edu.au/informed/features/the-effect-of-parental-involvement-in-academic-achievement/.
    Please let me know what you think. And if you can feature it on your blog, I’d be really thrilled! 😀

    Looking forward to your reply,

    Chenee Marie Quia-Eo
    Community Outreach Specialist, Open Colleges
    | m: 09328504568
    | e: chenee.quiaeo@oc.edu.au
    | w: http://www.opencolleges.edu.au

  2. Regards from Beijing where we have a program that takes Chinese students from China’s rapidly developing independent secondary schools, out of China for short term socially- and development-focused focused work projecrs, starting with Cambodia but now quickly expanding beyond. I have signed up on the recommendation of my long term friend Peter Cobb who is a member of our International Advisory Board. Now that I have had a first look, I can understand why he recommended it.

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